I have a big love for Philadelphia cheese…all cheese really, but Philadelphia cheese especially! Some time ago I started making this pot of yumminess and I posted it on my blog, but I figured it would be a good idea to share with the food people in the world.  So enjoy!

– 3/4 block of Philadelphia cheese
– +/- 40ml Milk
– 2TBS Butter
– hand full of chopped peppadews
– bacon(as much as you want)
– Red onions(chopped, as much as you want)

– Cut the cheese into smaller pieces and put it on a low heat in a saucepan adding the milk
and butter.
– Keep stirring until the butter and the cheese have melted, but keep the heat very low,
otherwise it will burn. Add more milk depending on the thickness of sauce you require
– When the sauce is ready, add the chopped peppadew, the cooked bacon and onion, stir
– Add pasta

And Voila! Pasta with Philadelphia cheese sauce, peppadew, bacon and red onion. it’s the easiest most divine meal ever. You can also, after having mixed everything add a tad of Parmesan and Tabasco….so yummy!

It is a well-known fact on twitter that I tend to conjure up a whole variety of weird and wonderful dishes.  I live alone, I like weird foods and as such I’m always trying something new that sounds really weird but mostly ends in a roaring success and a repeat performance at some stage. So after tweeting my latest creation last night, Gina asked if I would like to help contribute to this here site, so here goes nothing.

I was in the mood for olives, and bacon, and peppadews and onions and rice, so that’s exactly what I ended up making:)

– Bacon bits
– Chopped onion
– Pitted and chopped black Olives
– Chopped peppadews
– Rice
– Veggie seasoning
– Feta cheese
(I didn’t specify any amounts as it literally depends on how many people and how much of each you feel like)

1.  Put the rice on to boil (remember to add a bit of salt)
2.  Fry the onions and the bacon bits
3.  Once the onions and the bacon bits are almost done add the olives and peppadews
4.  Add veggie seasoning to taste
5.  Once rice is cooked add the onions, bacon, peppadew and olive mix to the rice
6.  Crumble feta into the mix
7.  Mix it all together and once your feta is melted, dish up.

Sadly I do not have a picture…I polished it off too quickly  *blush* .  For other variations you can use tuna instead of bacon, or add some chopped mushrooms to the mix.